Friday, June 9, 2017

The Quickening

The Quickening         6/9/2017

A lot to do
About nothing
And a lot of words
And empty. 

Some feelings
Are just feelings
And some dreams
They are only dreams.

If I had known then
Everything would be different
But wisdom
Comes with time
And suffering.

There is no going back
Once we have seen
As we all open the box
And see what’s inside.

The vile creatures
Slither in the swamp
Breathing through reeds
Unseen and unknown. 

Feasting on the sewage
And gorging on gravy
And always
Wanting more. 

Guarding its territory
With ferocious violence
And eliminating threats
By accident
Or suicide. 

Anything for money
And anything for power
It distracts us all
For as long as it can.  

Attacking others
For what it itself has done
The giant leech
Sucking off the blood. 

It all goes on
With nothing to stand on
Constantly attacking
Over nothing at all. 

Diving deep
And patiently waiting
For the good to tire
Our numbers dwindling
With each and every year. 

You can see it everywhere
The unabashed hatred
The dead eyes of soulless
Like sharks circling
A bleeding man.  

Never turn your back
And never for a second relax
Always ready
Unyielding and strong. 

Only God can save us
And he will not come
A moment too soon
For without him
There is genocide. 

It is no accident
And it is not random
That the same people
Are targeted
Over and over again. 

Sold out
And traded away
By those we trusted
All of it for money
And earthly power. 

Evil to the core
It is they who bear the blame
Their allegiance to man
And all that he
Can give. 

The servants of Satan
They sacrifice in secret
Turning the vise
Ever tighter
On the good
And the true. 

They will stop
At nothing
And they will never
Let go.

Hurling lies
Until the very last moment
When the Lord
Splits the sky. 

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