Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Useless           6/21/2017

Useless as a dirty rag
Indifferently dropped
And then forgotten
Lost to time
Worthless and limp. 

That is the feeling
Much worse than hatred
To be forgotten
And wasted.

Some will hate
With searing intensity
But what is worse?
Than to be casually
Like a Kleenex.

The feeling stays
With me
An invisible burn
Inside my head.

I cannot forget it
And though I walk
I am damaged
And reduced.

A worm
In the shadows
Of darkness
Dragging myself over glass
Slow and painful.  . 

Follow the razor
And maybe you might see
The stunning reality
For you
And for me. 

That in the end
To them
We are nothing
Nothing but a commodity
And a burden. 

Praised when needed
And jettisoned at will
The individual reminders
Lost along the way. 

Kept lowly
By the gatekeepers
And the fake elite
Managers instead of leaders
One dimensional cutouts
Venal and dim.

People keep talking
But all of it
Is nothing
Sinking deeper and deeper
Into dust. 

Measuring this
And measuring that
We track and we grow
All of it useless
And dead in the snow. 

Once I dreamed
And once I planned
But all of it was a lie
And all of it a joke. 

Nothing but
An evaporated mist
Rising up
And blown away. 

We live
And we lose
Of the meaning. 

Slotted in
And slotted out
In an ever tightening
Heading for something
We do not understand.    

Unprepared and unaware
We do not know
Who to ask
And what
To believe.   

But even in loss
The good still win
Because they know who
And they know how.   

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