Thursday, June 8, 2017


Salem                          6/8/2017

We are all
Crabs in a bucket
Clawing at nothing
With no way out. 

Climbing at the hill
And then falling back
None of us king
And all of us

Envious and shallow
We reflexively thrash
Competing against nothing
And tangled
In a mass. 

Wants to win
And strives
To succeed. 

Against others
We try to stand out
Each vying for attention
Pointless and dumb. 

But when someone
Climbs out
Everyone becomes angry
Unable to grasp
Undeserved blessings.

By grace we live
And with love
We survive
The gift freely given
But rarely understood.

We are blessed
In so many ways
But our minds block it out
As we struggle
Against the wind. 

More free than we know
We spend our time
In pointless disputes
Wasting our time
Selfish and dumb. 

Endlessly talking
And endlessly accusing
All of it
About nothing
Nothing at all. 

Twisting into a pretzel
They all seek to blame
Hating the good
And hating the truth. 

Desperately latching on
To imaginary crimes
While the world burns
And bleeds.

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