Friday, June 2, 2017

Dead Flowers

Dead Flowers      6/2/2017

After the fact
Some will bring flowers
And sing songs
Heads in their hands
And sobbing. 

Others may change
Their cover photo
Light up buildings
Or make altruistic
Statements lofty
And smug. 

The same old song
And the same old dance
Minds made foggy with propaganda
And ritualistic sacrifice.

But others will dance
And give out candy
Celebrating death
And senseless carnage.

Impervious to argument
And immune to compassion
The killers of the innocent
Slaughtered with glee.

How long
Do we sleep?
And how long
Will good remain silent?
And afraid. 

Glued to a screen
And shouting at the TV
Bombarded by hypocrisy
And outrageous lies.

Numbed to the latest atrocity
And distracted by liars
Desperately seeking to hide
The horrific truth. 

But if you don’t know it now
Then you might be lost
Asleep to the end
And dead to rights. 

But we who see
And those who still might
Were made for this moment
To either stand for truth
Or hide in the covers.

Let them cry
And let them talk
Always ready
To die in false virtue.

While we grimly know
What it is
That we see
The final persecution
Written in blood.   

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