Thursday, June 22, 2017

A sideways smile

Sideways Smile              6/22/2017

All out
And all down
In a single great effort
We try
And we fail.

Leaping up
Without stretched arms
Straining as far as we can
To grasp
And hold. 

Inside our head
It is the same
As we build thoughts
In buildings
That no one can see. 

I string the words together
And hope they convey
This feeling
Of exertion and emotion
Raw, painful,
And beautiful. 

The sheer blast
Of who we are
More than what you can see
And measure. 

That slippery
And illusory feeling
That passes in an instant
When time
Stands still. 

A scar upon memory
That never goes away
Long after dreams pass
And anger fades.

At full cry
The bloom is vivid
And the world beautiful
Breathtakingly perfect
And immortal. 

And that is why
I try
Even though
Words fail
And my fingers slip.

I drink it up
And I drain it down
All of it good
Rich, thick, and pure.

Everything we see
And everything we have
Will one day
And dissolve.

But the gift
That precious spark
Burns forever
Even in heartbreak
And even in the dark. 

The flicker
Is in the blood
And now I feel it surge
Fast and hot
And dripping on the page. 

Living well
And living full
Finishing strong
At the top of the hill. 

Gravity has no power
And death no longer smiles
Already defeated
And already afraid. 

It is me that smiles
And it is me that bleeds
A full blooded ghost
With everyone I love
And everything I need. 

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