Tuesday, June 20, 2017

View Finder

View Finder           6/20/2017

I was never good
At saying goodbye
So I never said it at all
And just drifted away. 

Riding on a current
Far out to sea
The decision of nothing
Deciding for them
And me.

Carried away
Alone and adrift
By inaction
And blindness
Wasted and lost.

Many are those
I never knew
Blocking them out
Unintentionally refused.

The speed of my youth
Spent in vain
Churning inside
Deep in the mud.

Burying myself
Far away
And clinging to safety
At the worst possible time. 

But that is the folly
For all who do not know
Unaware of their own emotions
Foolish and fearful.

Afraid of the unknown
Directionless and dumb
With no one to blame
And no one to love. 

It’s not about
What I lost
But more importantly
What I did not know
And did not give.

In victory
There is also loss
And the greatest
Becomes the least
Perfect and sublime.

Let the mediocre
Stay in their wheels
Running at full speed
And burned. 

But yet still
Awaken the good
Opening up their eyes
To see the real truth
Your truth
Blazing like the sun.    

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