Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Bombs Bursting in Air

'The Rockets' Red Glare            7/4/2017

Today I will wear a white hat
And look to the sky
For a few minutes of splendor
More determined than ever
To defend and protect.

Even now we are prisoners
And strangers
Aliens in the land of our fathers
Over and over again. 

Sold out for nothing
And penalized at every turn
Hated for our truth
And butchered
For our beauty.

Bombs will burst in the air
And we will see
All its glory
For those who remember
The forgotten
And the dead.

The black plague rages
And disease spreads
In the dark
All of it on purpose
And all of it planned. 

Now more than ever
See it all unfold
The truth writ large
Everywhere you look.

Sooner than you think
Everything will be exposed
As ever fair weathered friend
Hides in the grass. 

Evil will spend itself
In a last
And desperate gasp
So close
And yet so far. 

At the very last moment
Just before
They sealed our doom.

The good awakened
And no longer blind
Aware of the ugly truth
That can never
Be forgotten. 

They shall all
Expose themselves
In a violent foolish spasm
Spent upon the innocent
And the unaware. 

Let it all fall down
And consume them
Burning away
All their pride
And childish hatred.

Look up
And see it
For we have already won
Every promise kept
The long way around. 

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