Thursday, July 28, 2016


Cranked                                         7/28/2016

Locked down
With nowhere to go
Strapped in our seats
And climbing uphill.

Metal wheels
And metal tracks
Dragging to the top
With a long way down. 

We can feel it coming
In the pit of our stomach
The gaping void
All the way down. 

Twisting and turning
In a world turned upside down
We are but passengers
Slammed in unexpected

We can scream
Or we can cry
But either way
We can live
Or we can die.   

The end comes suddenly
In the same destination
From which we came
The end from the beginning
First and the same. 

These are the times
That are for the choosing
As each of us decide
Which way we go. 

We can believe
Or we can reject
But either way
The end shall come
At the end of the track. 

Monday, July 25, 2016


 Sheepish                            7/25/2016

I tried hard to make it
But it was already too late
Betrayed by a million lies
Hour by hour
Day by day.

By the time I felt the sting
The knife was in deep
Mortally wounded
And bleeding to death.

I had to watch it all
And feel it ebb away
All that I had tried
And all that I that I had loved.

In the end
I was nothing but an obstacle
To someone else’s comfort
A means to an end
To be removed and discarded.

It was all about money
And all about status
The kind so many covet
And kill for. 

Years have passed
And still I wait
Still the last
And still the least.

I did not know then
What it is
That I know now
That all debts are paid
Sooner or later.

Someone had to lose
For someone else to win
And jealous men
Will attack from behind. 

I was the sacrifice
Unaware and asleep
Too busy dreaming
To sense the mortal danger. 

Blind to the threat
Of a wolf in sheep’s clothing
Strange, mild, and weak
Greedy, heartless, and cruel.

Evil will never announce
His intentions
And evil will never
Fight fair.    

But rather he comes
Like a whisper in your ear
Playing upon our altruism
One step at a time. 

Attacking the innocent
And crushing the unprepared
He delights in murder
And rape.

He who cannot see
Is a fool for not knowing
The obvious warning
From right next door.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Photosensitive                          7/21/2016

Huddled in a room
They pick at their scabs
Unable to contemplate loss
And unable to accept
The shame. 

Knowing in their heart
That they are wrong
But paid to lie
And greedy for more. 

Power breeds corruption
And ambition leads to cruelty
As the end justifies the means
Over and over again. 

How great
Has been the loss
Buried in the dirt
And forgotten. 

The millions who lived
And suffered
Murdered or starved
Over hatred
Or greed.

But how can man
Even begin to know
The truth for the lies
Repeated again and again. 

Good for evil
And evil for good
Trading faces
And trading places.  

In the dark
We knew nothing
But now that the dawn
Has come
We can see
With discernment.  

If a man lies for a year
He can lie for ten
But if he has lied for fifty
Then the truth
Is hard to find. 

Yesterday slinks backwards
And falls out of focus
Altered and over exposed
Redacted and hidden.

Edited for good
Or focused for evil
The carefully crafted
Sound bites
For all of us to eat. 

If you did not know
The contrast would be stark
But the more that you study
The grayer it becomes.

Muddied by theatre
And rehearsed on cue
A national pageant
Meant to confuse.

The club goes on
And life is good
For those in the know
Who don’t give a damn.

Laughing at extinction
Behind closed doors
The protected immune
To murder and theft.

But the sun
Shall also find them
And expose
All that they do
Forever shamed
And gone. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Vigil                                    7/19/2016

There is a feeling
That all of us know
A sudden sinking stomach
And a racing heart. 

Immediately after
A close call of terror
When we narrowly avoid
Injury or disaster.

A sour feeling
Or a lump in the throat
The heightened awareness
Long after
The threat is removed. 

Yes, time has quickened
And yes something is amiss
As we reel from savagery
And horror. 

Deep down we know
All who are awake
Who are awake
That something is terribly wrong
And more is to come. 

Evil is ascendant
Now more than ever
But nothing lasts forever
And that is how
Everything unravels.

The door is closing
And not a moment too soon
But hell hath no fury
Like a cornered animal
Doomed to death. 

Frothing at the mouth
It knows the end is near
Determined to take out
As many as it can.  

Desperation brings out violence
And now like no other
Increasing in severity
As the clock ticks down.

Pray now
And keep your eyes open
Lest the greatest lie
Or sudden attack
Deceive us all
Day or night.    

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Quickening

The Quickening    7/15/2016

Another day and another night
Time lurches forward
And snaps into place 
Splitting at a crossroad
With blood and death.

Weakness is complicity
And complicity is approval
As obvious as it can get
For many to see.   

Protected by lies
And covered by silence
Many burn with hatred
Towards the good
And the innocent.

Hating you
And hating me
They belittle the dead
As if nothing at all.

Choose who to ask
And choose who to follow
Because those you love
You will always protect.

Choose carefully
Lest you also
Be suddenly lost
Forever complicit
And forever condemned.