Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Sundial                                          1/26/2016

If I had only known
I would never have cried
Subsisting on flat line
Of comfort and pride.  

But once we try
We either learn or die
Drawing back our hands
Burned and bloody.  
It isn’t easy letting go
But even then
The past follows behind
Softly whimpering in our ear
Calling us backward.

Pulling at our heart
And sapping all our strength
The old and familiar wounds
Always a part of me
And you.

The old wounding words
Always hurt the most
Ever fresh in our minds
And repeating on a loop. 

Breaking free is hard
And it takes constant effort 
Lest we continually fall victim 
No matter how far we travel
And or how long we live.

Even the hurt can feel safe
If you don’t know better
As we cling to the familiar
Psychologically entangled
Unconscious and dumb.

Wearing down our feet
On a well-traveled path
Effortlessly fitting in
The ruts in the road.

Physical, mental
And spiritual
The unseen assault
On body and mind. 

Interdependent and invisible 
The psyche and the brain
Poisoning our body
From the inside out.

The curtain has fallen
If you know where to look
Revealing at last
The collusion and deception.

Rigging everything,
For fun and profit
Hidden in the dark
Where we cannot see
And cannot know. 

With a thumb on the scale
They divide up the loot
Skimming off the top
And laughing all the way. 

Shameless and brazen
Oh how the masks have fallen
More obvious than ever
The game of the few.    

A new high for a new low
As we descend into hell
Fighting for survival
Against ever increasing odds.

The gates are open
And the lid comes off
All of it on purpose
Everywhere you look. 

But as time runs out
Speed becomes 
Of the essence
More and more poisonous
In a flood of hate.

A race against the clock
Doing all they can
Unopposed and ever more obvious  
The horrific embodiment 
Of death.  


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