Tuesday, January 5, 2016


 Corkscrew                                   1/5/2016

We fell into a corkscrew
That someone else had made
Spinning downward through a spiral
End over end. 

Down, under, up and over
Who can tell
Which way is right
Upside down in a rabbit hole
With no way back
And no way out.

Someone long ago
Dug this trench
And filled it with gasoline
Burning higher and higher
In a hell circle of fire.   

We could look away
And go to the arena
Cheering fake heroes
For no reason at all. 

Or we could ask
The chattering fools
But all are corrupt,
And compromised. 

Living in a fairy tale
That never existed at all
The latest fraud of many
Choreographed for fun. 

Long since infiltrated
And steered in the same direction
Always stupid
And self-sacrificial. 

But it’s hard not to notice
The burning spires of man
Dried out, empty
And lit up like a torch. 

We drag ourselves
Through the motions
Hobbled and wounded
Barely noticing the carnage
Just down the road.

You can ask
And you can wait
But in the end
We are expendable
And hated. 

Nothing but a loose end
To be tied up
And buried
All for power
And all for gain. 

Pursue truth
At all costs
Research it
And let it sink in.

And then you will see
And feel the scissors
Cut between two blades
With nowhere to turn. 

Let the fire fall
And let it all burn away
As we limp to the valley
Predestined fools
Stubborn, blind, and deluded.

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