Friday, January 15, 2016

Warm Leather

Warm Leather               1/15/2016

Warm leather
And cold glass
Sticking to
And holding on. 

Looking backwards
I can see it
Viewed through Vaseline
Soft, fuzzy
And beautiful.

The steam rose
Encircled her face
As we huddled over coffee
So many years ago. 

Leaning forward in a black turtleneck
Her siren lips moving in a whisper
Better than perfect
Through a sideways smile.

We wandered through bookstores
And poked through antique stores
Hunting for treasure
Hidden and unique.

We didn’t know
And we didn’t fear
Half asleep
And unaware.

Brought together by something
Far stronger than we knew
But we chose to live it out
The wrong way around. 

It was then that I felt it
In the perfect dead center of the world
That we ruled the day
And we ruled the night.  

Blessed with a gift
And rich beyond measure
It was all wasted on the young
And unwise.

I thought I knew it all
But I didn’t know a thing
Barely scratching the surface
On what was
Or might have been. 

The film ends
And the tape runs out
No matter how perfect
Everything remains
Stilted and flat.

All of it nothing
Like me
Right here and right now
Meaningless and purposeless.

We all see differently
And we all go on
Afraid of the dark
Still just as deluded
The long way around.

There is no
Long lost love
There is only the choice
And the cost.

Flattened and captured
In a single bit of crystal
Oozing between my fingers
And spinning in my head. 

None the wiser
We still try
Still trying to grab
Little puffs of smoke.

I don’t know why
And maybe that is the answer
I tried
And that’s enough. 

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