Thursday, January 21, 2016

Double Shot

Double Shot                             1/21/2016

Chaos comes
Death steals
Faith saves
And love heels.

The living doubt
The dead know
Laughing at us
Holding on
As they let go.

The truth is a cure
Which is why we run
Grasping at anything
To stay as we are.

We give
Just to get
And we love
Out of need
Wasted, empty
We fall and bleed. 

Ghosts dream of bigger things
While we look at dust
Traveling faster
And going farther. 

It is tragic
That we forget
But it is a horror
That we suffer again. 

Nothing is solved
As we run in circles
Proud, indolent
And hopelessly devolve.

Angry over the past
And anxious about tomorrow
We fail to experience
The here and the now. 

Unwilling to choose
The treasure we have
But flail instead
At the nothingness we want.

Because we cannot decide
The world chooses us
Dragging us downstream
Easy, stagnant, and dead.

The fence we sat on
Rots away
As we fall down
The path of least resistance
Without knowing at all. 

I made up my mind
And that was enough
The choice now
As it was then
Obvious as the sun. 

Blessed are those
Who persevere
Easy or hard
Loyal to the end.    

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