Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bitter Pill

Bitter Pill                                                     1/7/2015

Some things are hard to swallow
And some things burn in your gut
Sliding down sideways
Painful and sharp.

There is a lump in my throat
And there is a hole in my soul
An aching void
That nothing can fill.

My words are not enough
There never were
And never will be
But I write them anyway
Bleeding from my mouth.

There are some things
That no one can fix
And there are some things
No one wants to remember.

But either way
They are frozen in time
Looping over and over in our minds
About all that was lost
And hurts the heart. 

It took all I had
To put down that drink
And it took all my strength
To say goodbye. 

It was hard letting go
And it was hard
Facing the unknown
A deep dark nothingness
The lasted forever. 

There is no pill
That can cure it
And there is no peace
In sleep.

Only the restless turnings
Of regret and sorrow
That I am here
And don't know why. 

But some others are not
And lost but to God
Receding into the past
Buried and forgotten. 

They moan in the night
Doubled over on the floor
Staggered by losses
Impossible to understand. 

It was there that he found me
Undeserved and unbidden
God plucking me out
Saving me
And saving you.  

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