Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sixty Six

Sixty Six                       1/6/2016

Silence can tell you everything
And those who live a lie
Will never notice the truth
No matter how obvious 
Or cruel.  

And just because we speak
Does not mean
We have the answer
Because with every hoax
There comes a cure.   

The dead tree falls in the forest
And it remains dead
No matter what we think
Or what we say. 

All in, or all out
The deception remains
Stronger every day
As the past recedes
And the secrets are buried. 

Even though some pretend
And even though, some may copy
Nothing is ever the same
Or as pure. 

There is only one me
And there is only one you
Much more than what we appear
Or how, we are remembered. 

Evil has come
And with it
Comes many more
Reaching out, with ugly hands
Groping, grasping, and stealing. 

Purged, murdered
Ruined or Ostracized
Any and all
Who would dare oppose.     

Sixty three and sixty six
Eleven September
Or even November
Another day in the life
Copied and replaced. 

Here they come
The army of death
A secret stealth assault
Swarming in the streets.

All of it on purpose
And all of it for hate
Set up from afar
And encouraged everywhere. 

From where does it come?
And from where does it go?
As straight as a razor
Just like you knew it would. 


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