Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Bewitching Hour

4 am                                               1/13/2016

You could weep
Or you could run
But if you live in a dream
You will never know for sure. 

How many times?
Did we run to the ledge
Closer and closer to the fire
Without getting burned. 

We have danced
In and out
And we have laughed all the way
Standing on the shoulders of others
Long gone away.

It was a comfort
And it was easy
To waste the day
And waste the night. 

Living in the glow
And indulged by the gift
The soft and the dumb
Asleep at the wheel. 

We listened to a lullaby
That was never true at all
Nothing but pawns
To use and to sell.     

Oblivious to the beasts
Chained in the deep
Kept at bay
By the vigilant
And the strong. 

But in the night
Someone let them go
Sneaking them in
Out of hatred
And envy.    

Shrouded by lies
They crouch in the shadows
Watching and waiting
For a leg or an arm. 

Many are still asleep
Their minds soft
And their necks supple
Sacrificed to terror
Unfathomable and cruel.    

Better to see it now
Than it is to deny
Caught in the night
And caught in a lie.    

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