Tuesday, January 5, 2016


101                    1/5/2016

We are born alive
But learn to live,
As dead
Fitting in 
And checking out. 

Quiet, submissive,
Obedient, and dumb
Silent in the herd
And nodding our heads.

Lied to,
And coerced. 

Eating the lies 
Every day
And every year
Salivating on command 
Half asleep, and unaware.         

When truth becomes hate
Then we are all suicidal
Infiltrated, pacified,
Deluded and dumb.

Fools believe lies
Now let them be blind
Unable to awaken
Until the bitter end. 

But whoever has worth
Let them see their error
Awakening at last
To accept,
And to ask.       

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