Monday, June 1, 2015

Mother of Pearl

 Opalescent                                6/1/2015 

We are prisoners of the past
And slaves to the future
Treading water,
As long as we can
Against the current.

It was three lifetimes ago
That I first tried
But I didn’t know how
And I didn’t know why.    
I slept through my dreams
But awoke in a nightmare
A fattened calf
Split open
And poured out.  
Perhaps, I should have waited longer
And maybe, I was afraid to be alone
But in the end,
I learned something greater
Than anything, I could have earned. 

We try and we lose
But necessity keeps us going
Even when
We feel hopeless
And discouraged. 

The leap is made
And our mind expands
Discovering the hidden jewels
Of invisible inspiration. 

I hold on
Because of who I am
Not because of what I want
Or what I hear.  
My thoughts
And my wishes
They are all in me
Even if they are invisible
And undeserved. 

The rare pearl 
Is in our heart 
Divinely inspired 
And humbly created
A treasure worth any cost.  

All I ever needed 
Was to ask 
The invisible gift 
Priceless, perfect, and pure.  

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