Thursday, June 18, 2015


South woods                       6/18/2015

Bottom up
And top down
End over end
And down the steps. 

They cut out the heart
To please the gods
Painted like wooden idols
And skinned for relics.

In the heart of hearts
There is a darkness
A brazen bull  
Full of suffering. 

Under the mid-day sun
We walk and we wonder
Oblivious to the terror
Hiding in the shadows. 

Many know
But don’t say a word
Afraid over nothing
They leave us
To rot.  

Many shall owe a few
And a few shall give all
Just like it always was
Many centuries ago. 

Proud men walk
And look down their noses
As arrogant as they are stupid
And as jealous as they are cruel. 

Nothing makes sense
In world gone insane
And that is what you know
When you open your eyes. 

All comes apart
And all falls together
The end before the beginning
Act one and act two.

What came first 
Nobody can tell
But you know how it ends
As the blood banner waves
Over all our heads. 

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