Friday, June 26, 2015


Ghosted               6/26/2015

I am a ghost
And I am a memory
Barely visible
Alien and Remote.

The world is unrecognizable
And turned against itself
Churning and convulsing
Inside and out. 

It is easy to fall
But harder to stand
When everything is contaminated
And everyone infected.

I thought I was safe
And I thought, that I was loved
But in the end
I was nothing
And barely survived at all. 

I tried to scrub off the stain
And I tried to hide my face
Broken, alone,
Rejected and ashamed. 

Less than nothing
And thrown away like trash
Nothing but a worm
Struggling on a sidewalk. 

Unforeseen can be the reason
In the dark night of the soul
But obvious in the end
The purpose and the cause. 

It was for this
That I was born
Starting out at the end
The last of the first
And the first of the last. 

The golden age is over
And the terror has begun
Reflected in the eyes of madness
Soulless and dead.

Evil rules the day
And many try to save themselves
More concerned of reputation
And money
Than truth. 

Bankrupt with silver
And corrupted by power
They pretend just enough
To keep it all going. 

If you have seen evil
Then you know it exists
And once you have lost,
And lived
Then, you have no fear.

 Hold on
And love with all your heart
Even though you lose
And even though
You hurt. 

God listens
And he will save
Not one of us missing
And not one of us

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