Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ice Cream Truck

Ice Cream Truck 6/18/2015
The dog barks
And everybody listens
But he won’t shut up
And chews on his tail. 

Reading the words
Someone else, has written
As easy as it gets
And worth nothing at all.

Nine, Eight, Seven, Six
We can all count down together
As everything falls into place
And everything falls apart.

This is, generation zero
But even this, is nothing new
Because civilization dies slowly
Of a million cuts or more. 

I also had hope
But now it is gone
And I also had dreams
But they are all over now. 

Follow the dogs
And run down the street
Because we are betrayed
Facing the other way. 

Others have sold us out
And others have turned us over
Just for a quarter point
And a bag of silver.

Track it and count it
Read it and weep
The truth in the details
That peasants
Will never read. 

It takes wisdom
And it takes patience
But we, are a forgetful lot
Just as dumb now
As in the desert. 

The swords are in my back
And my name
It just doesn’t matter
Trashed and forgotten
Like I never lived at all. 

Between the lines
And over your shoulder
The world turns over
And wobbles on cue. 

Look around
And you will see
And you will learn
But if you cannot question
Then you are done. 

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