Friday, June 5, 2015


Antlers                    6/5/2015  

They brought a map
And gave me a notebook
For an imaginary trip
Of suicide and revenge. 

We drank, we laughed
And then she took pictures
Dressing me up, like a cuckold
In everything, but antlers.

Insult to injury
And salt upon the wounds
As the meat is offered up
Knocked senseless and dumb.

We live uneasy lives
And we take the sun for granted
Warming our backs
Without thought or care. 

It is a peculiar feeling
To be in the middle
A roasted sacrifice
Face down and unconscious.

Woe to them
Who lean upon ambition
Counting their wealth
And lying through their teeth. 

Lulling us to sleep
With half closed eyes
Whispering sweet delusions
Hot and humid.

The bird flies up
And we wait
Slack jawed and dumb
Watching the skies
And crying.   

The bird flies free
From nest to nest
Lining her pockets
With gold and jewels.

Watch it fly
Far beyond the flames
As the we howl on agony
Burning with rage.   

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