Monday, June 15, 2015


Ask                  6/15/2015

Painless is the slide
As we devolve into a puddle
Falling down a mountain
That we have already climbed.

We are all destined to lose
And we are all destined to die
Willing or not
Bonded and bought. 

If we had not loved
We would not have wept
But if we had not tried
Then we would not know.

Rare is the euphoria
When time stands still
The stuff of dreams
Irreplaceable and sublime.

When we are fully alive
Sharing and loving
Our spirits burning
In a like-minded synch. 

It is written in the stars
And it is written in our hearts
Long before we were born
We were paid in full. 

The gift is ours
If only we would take it
Embracing fully
Who we really are. 

When we look back
Sometimes we mourn
And we feel that sting
Piercing our heart.   

It is then I remember
To ask for my needs
Crying out to God
For comfort and grace.

Every need and every time
I keep on knocking
And I keep on trying
Listening and waiting
My head upon his heart.

We will yet see each other
And we will embrace and laugh
More than enough
To last forever. 

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