Thursday, June 4, 2015

Zig Zag Zero

Zig Zag Zero                         6/4/2015

Zig Zag Zero
Less than nothing
And falling out of frame
No matter how hard we try
It always ends up the same.

All that starts out noble
Crumbles to a crying shame
Mutated, perverted, and exploited
And dumbed down just the same.

You can believe what you are told
Or you could believe your eyes
Every day and everywhere
The reality versus the lies.

We are no different
And this is how it feels
Just as dumb as ever
Irrational and foolish.

We had a gift
And we had a treasure
But it was nothing
But pearls before swine.

Trodden, spoiled, and rotten
We wallow in the mud
Blinded by our own emotions
And drowning in the rain. 

I also tried
And I also dreamed
But I was brought low
Cut off and cut down.

Learning isn’t easy
And there is no credit for wounds
Nothing but a bleeding scab
To pick and peel. 

The world goes on
And they do not know me
As Alien to me
As I am to them. 

I watch them run
And I watch them try
Spending their energy
Pecking and preening. 

I am alone
And all of this
Belongs to them
All of its glory
And all of its dust. 

If we walked together
I could tell you
What I have seen
But words are what I have
Transiting through in endless streams.

We have this
And we have now
That is it
And that is how. 

Take it and think
Read it and write
Speak the rest
As only the ghost
Can know. 

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