Thursday, June 25, 2015


Miasma      6/25/2015

Northwoods,  south woods,
East wood and down
The more you question
The more you will see. 

You can’t judge a book by its cover
Unless that book is me
Another day bobbing up and down
Running down a ditch
And circling the drain. 

Diluted, marginalized,
Blamed, and abused
The last remnant shrinks
Encircled by enemies
And dying by attrition. 

We had our blessings
And we had our treasure
As we Devolve into miasma
Decomposed and dead. 

Eating, breeding
And trained like dogs
We lap it up  
Spoon fed and dumb.

Accustomed to horror
And sacrificed on cue
We seek comfort in safety
Delusional and afraid.

We were lost
But now we wander
With ever dwindling means
And nowhere to run.   

We had, the last chance
But blew it all away
Blowing smoke circles
On a breezy summer day. 

So here we are
Looking over our shoulder
Haunted and hunted
Every step of the way. 

All that we had hoped for
Has crumbled to dust
As we sift through the rubble
For whatever we can save.

Many will betray you
In order to save themselves
Enriched, protected
Cynical and smug.
But even they,
Shall yet, gnash their teeth
Betrayed one by one
Losing everything
That they have craved.

The jaws are tightening
And the hot breath
Is upon our necks
Stalked by a new beast
Same as the old. 

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