Thursday, June 11, 2015

Snooze Button

Snooze Button    6/11/2015

The day has come
And the message is clear
That what is secret
Is never good,
And that liars 
Cannot be trusted.

A pseudo elite
Are no better than you
Even though,
They are always protected
And excused.

Words should be free
But the wrong ones
Can get you punished
As the dog chases his tail
Around and around. 

Win or lose
They will get their way
As they do all they can
To kill and destroy. 

The gates are open
And the beasts run wild
Murdering as they will
And stealing what they can. 

Sold, replaced,
Used, and forgotten
The good once again, betrayed  
And abused. 
Your head, or mine
It does not matter now
As the deals are done
Behind the black curtain. 

The trap is sprung
And the innocent dangle
Sacrificed for nothing
Lifeless and dead.

God knows
And already has he spoken
That if he did not come
None would survive. 

Guess away
To whom he has referred
The sons of men
Long ago lost. 

Prepare and keep watch
Wake up and see
That all is revealed
Sick, twisted, and barbaric.

Outnumbered and undefended
We are sacrificed to the beasts
Running wild
And gnashing their teeth.  

But even in loss
Always try and remember
That there is far more unseen
Than seen. 

What is delayed
Still happens on time
Unexpectedly sprung
On the foolish
And the damned. 

The alarm goes off
And reverberates in our ears
Awaken and see the truth
And unforgiven. 

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