Thursday, April 30, 2015


Transmutation                                            April 30, 2015

I brushed it on
And rubbed it of
Layering the finish
To recreate the patina
Of centuries of time

Sometimes it works
And sometimes it doesn’t
But the pursuit of beauty
Is often best achieved
When accidental
And imperfect.

Sometimes there is nothing
Except for waiting
For a falling spark of inspiration
To ignite the imagination
And empty out the heart.
Loneliness can be painful
And loss, can break your back
But even these things
Can be transmuted
Into something more.

In a strange alchemy
Indescribable and divine
We become something else
Filled with light.

The dam bursts
And the water flows
Sweeping everything away
Obliterating every evil
And emotional obstruction.

We are cleansed of the demons
And now the deception has cleared
Inspired to communicate
What we never knew before. 

No matter, where we have been
And no matter, what we have done
We can still be new
Right here
And right now.

Take even the ashes
And let them settle
Feeding the dirt
And fertilizing the soul.

So that even the burned
Shall blossom
Truly alive
And shining,
Like the sun.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Immolation                                                                          4/28/2015

If you feed the fire
It will burn
Devouring everything
And especially the source. 

What is broken can never be fixed
If you do not tell the truth
And  no one  will never find a mouse
If they cannot see an elephant.

What kind  of person
Can ignore the carnage
Unless they agree
And support. 

Maybe not today
And maybe not tomorrow
But none of us are safe
Form hatred and murder.

Growing up is hard
And humility is a blessing
But some will never understand
And only God knows why. 

Beware the predator
Hiding in the bush
Always looking to attack
Murder, and steal.  

A scavenger at heart
And unable to change
Crawling on its belly
Or hanging from a tree.

The serpent can give you a reason
But in the end
Everyone should know
That what is wrong is still wrong
Just like it always was. 

Wake up and smell the smoke
And get out while you can
Because only a fool keeps doing
What he has always done. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

April 27

April 27

We make lots of plans
But how much of them?
Ever come true
Regardless of what we want
Or think we need. 

The sun was in my eyes that day
And I had to squint to see
Warm, but not hot
In the heavy mountain stillness
Nineteen years ago today.

A day that should have been happy
Was friendless and sad
As I stood thankless and alone
In a chapel 
Hidden in the wood.

He said, that God wanted us there
But except for me 
He might have been the only one
And God keep will keep that secret
Until the end. 

I loved her
More than my own life
But like everything. I ever had
I was born to lose it
Before I could understand.    

It is a strange feeling
Of detachment and melancholy
As the old wounds heal
Thick with tissue. 

I tried to forget
But now, I try to remember
Because that is how I learn
And that is how I grow.

How many gallons of water
Have flowed under this bridge
Meandering through the black dirt
Deep in my heart.

I have no explanation
And I have no proof
Nothing except for the victory
Of the spirit
Over the man.  

I have been angry
And I have been sad
But our lives are not only measured
By what we have done, and  said.    

Sometimes the greatest strength
Was when, we held still
Shutting our mouths
And swallowing our pride. 

It was then
That I stood up
Head held high
Disappointed but undefeated
Smiling at myself. 

Driving home
I felt it
The incredible lightness of my shoulders
As I finally left the anchor
Where it had always belonged.  

I gave my love away
And I do not ask, for it back
Because there is always more
Where I found it
And nothing is lost at all.   

Come up out of guilt
And wake up to the sun
New again
And twice as gold! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Afterwards    4/23/2015

After the rain
We found sharks teeth
And arrow heads
In another life
And another place.

My father’s boat
Bounced over the waves
Slicing through the white caps
And spritzing me with water. 

I can still hear the engine droning
And smell the fuel
In a land long since abandoned
By surrender and neglect.

I listen to the spirit
And let it guide my words
As I find myself in the middle
Of a very alien world. 

Domestic beer and strawberry shortcake
Crayons and  acrylic paint
The thoughts and memories
Suspended like dust particles
Floating in a beam of light. 

In my mind
Many things have happened
And in my life
I have grasped it all
And watched it melt away.  

The hours pass by
And I remain at my screen
Thinking of impossible things
And endless angst. 

If my hands could create
Even a tenth of what I dreamed
Then I would have eternity
To share and grow. 

It is all saved inside
And it all belongs to God
The gift of love
And laughter. 

He will yet unlock it
And bring back the lost
Healing every wound
Better than before. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Awake 4/22/2015

Last night I couldn’t sleep
So I tossed and turned all night
Uncomfortable, itchy
Dreamless, and sad.

The words did not come
And my thoughts disjointed
Jumping from place to place
And from time to time.   

The sun rises
Like a million times before
And I am the same
Another day older
Beaten and worn.    

Others go about their day
Gaming, striving,
Grasping and scheming
Oblivious, shallow,
Foolish and dumb.

Educated but blind
And asleep at the wheel
Much too comfortable,
Judgmental and smug.

Shake me awake
And tell me what it wrong
Before I fall asleep
And escape. 

We run from pain
And avoid conflict
Giving up 
And giving in.    

If only we could open our eyes
Maybe then, we could see 
What it takes to grow 
And conquer.  


Friday, April 17, 2015


Stranger         4/17/2015

We are accidental strangers
Sharing an impossible chance
A rendezvous against the odds
At just this one moment in time.

Exchanging ideas and emotions
Across invisible threads
Crawling like a spider
Spinning in their web.

We make the connections
And summon the memories
As the spirit shines through
Each and every synapse.

We are all waking up
Form a long slumber
To find strangers in the living room
Eating our food
And drinking our beer.

Shocked, disgusted, and angry
That we could be so betrayed
We stand in the doorway
Frozen in horror.

This castle took time to build
The stones mortared with blood
And endless sacrifice
One block on top of another
Day after day.

Compassion is not suicide
And children cannot defend themselves
Looking to us for a future
Dissolving in front of our eyes.

It’s time to decide
What it is
That we must do
Better now than then
Outnumbered and alone. 

It’s not about me
And what it is I do
But rather about those
Asleep in the womb.