Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Zero point Zero

Zero point Zero   3/4/2015

Blot out the picture
And cross out the names
Erasing all that was
Unrecognizable and black.

We build for the longest time
And then destroy it in a rage
Giving in to angry emotions
And purging all that we knew.

Some of us are sacrificed
And some of us survive
Haunted by the choices
And unforgettable loss.

We are all ghosts
Of the future past
Playing our parts in a pageant
That long ago imploded.  

We yearn for answers
And grow tired of trying
So we distract ourselves
With minutiae.

Someday, even the senseless
Will make sense
As even the darkest corners
Are exposed to the light.

Through the lens of truth
Even ambiguity becomes clear
As every motivation becomes obvious
Regardless of pride
And fear.

It is, what many understand  
But no one can say
That indeed, we are different
And hunted.  

Some will see
And some will deny
But in the end
Destiny calls us
The long way around. 

Time speeds up
And now our wheels
Have left the ground
Hurtling through space
And disappeared.   

Beware the people
Who change by the numbers
Circling around
Frothing at the mouth. 

The truth is out
And this will earn their fury
Striking in the night
The sleeping
And the dead.    

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