Monday, March 23, 2015

Seven Secrets

Seven Secrets          3/23/2015

Press your lips against the glass
And mouth the words of alienation
Because we are all strangers
Blowing smoke at a mirror.

If the truth hurts
Then somebody will ban it
Infantile, stunted,
Dumb, and dead. 

If you lick a razor
Then you will bleed
Stung down the middle
The mind over metal
Coppery and burnt.

I am like a fool
On the cover
A one dimensional illustration
Of vintage fiction. 

Used and discarded
At the café nior
While a car speeds away
And busts through the gate.

Nothing can be saved
If we don’t figure it out
And there is no mystery
Without greed and lust. 

We will never be free
Until we can take the abuse
Unyielding, principled,
And fearless. 

What happened
And what we think,
We do.

Act it out
And don’t look back
Because there is nothing
Worse than regret
Cutting us in two. 

I see her now
Through half closed eyes
Cold, cruel
And damaged.

But I lived through that
And there is now way out
But up,
And more than enough
To walk away. 

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