Friday, March 13, 2015


Covered   3/13/2015

How close could you ever get?
And still fall short
And how desperately could you pray?
Only to weep in your hands.

How many have lived 
And how many have died 
The dead percent living 
And the living 
Less than dead.  
Unexplainable is the carnage
That rips off your limbs
Like a bomb near a child
Savage and demonic. 

Down is up
And up is down
In a world 
Stumbling towards Armageddon
Blind drunk with blood.

Some are given advantage
And endless excuses
While others are attacked
For almost nothing.    

But what do we know of justice?
And what do we know of God?
Totally consumed by envy
And burning hatred. 

Some burn their own
Just to wound the hated
Facilitating murder
And incremental genocide.  

Bludgeoning a dead horse
Long since ridden 
Into the ground
Tired, diseased,
And wasted. 

Dream your dream
But, keep one eye open
Dead reckoning a future
As obvious as the sun. 

The change has already come
In millions of hearts
The dawning of reality
Cold, heavy, and dark.   

Wrath is poured out
And burns upon the head
Sacrificing the innocent
And confirming the guilty.  

Let them not escape
But remain blind
Guilty, unrepentant,
And doomed.   

Watch them now 
As they go through the motions
The same twisted dance 
They've always done before.           


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