Monday, March 23, 2015


Nadir   3/23/2015

The top tipped over
And no one even noticed
A the water crested
And now subsides.  

Something’s are hard to measure
But that doesn’t change a thing
As eventually every hibernation ends
And we wake up. 

You can’t be a victim
If you choose not to be
And there is no victory in silence
Or fear.

Sometimes the greatest of actions
Start with simple words
And there is nothing more powerful
Than enough
Goodbye and No.  

It hurts to swallow your emotions
And let them boil inside
Harder to digest than broken glass
Churning in your guts
Like an acid bath. 

It always comes back up
And explodes everywhere
The wasted anger
Of passive aggression. 

But to resist calmly
Without malice
Enables the truth to be spoken
With strength and integrity. 

Let it bubble up
And become who you are
Unyielding like iron
From the inside out. 

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