Friday, March 20, 2015


Geiger    3/20/2015

If the plugs are pulled
The ship will sink
Either faster of slower
Depending on location
Weight and size. 

We are riddled with holes
And many we have made ourselves
With our emotions tied in knots
Double minded and dumb.

We let fear steal our peace
And fight like savages over nothing
Missing the point
And denying reality
Every day and everywhere. 

Yesterday and today it happened
But nobody says a word
As we quietly shuffle forward
On our way to the end. 

Gingerly we take baby steps
And sigh in relief
That we still live
Walking in a minefield
Strewn with the dead.

But if we are to die
Then why should we fear?
Wasting our time
And wasting our life. 

We hide for no reason
When we should be bold
Standing in the shadows
Of the ruthless and the belligerent.

Throw back the curtains
And let in the light
Shinning forth
From inside our souls. 

Let the spark burn
And soon there will be others
Penetrating every corner
And under every rock. 

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