Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Lucky     3/17/2015

An ancient ritual
Often repeated
That the good forget,
And become lost along the way.  

Unappreciative and double minded
We become doubtful
And wander away
Lost until we hit bottom
With no way out, but up. 

Only in darkness
Do we ever see the light
And only after suffering  
Do we see the truth. 

We work
And then we fall asleep
Comfortable, fat
Empty and dumb. 

Easily picked
Tender and fair
Bred for destruction
And bloody absolution. 

Spectacular is the fall
Long predicted
And long expected
But still sudden
And terrifying. 

The sacrificial innocent
Are blindfolded and led
Ignorant and compliant
Raised from birth
In a safe cocoon. 

Believing what they are told
Over and over again
Against all logic and experience
About what is good
And what is true. 

At the lake
They are murdered,
Butchered and dumped
Never warned
Unprotected and innocent.

No one is more vulnerable
Than whomever breaks free
Once the decision is made
To go their own way. 

Jealousy is a killer
And he snaps his jaws shut
Closing tightly
And thrashing about. 

Never more angry
Than when they are exposed
And it is too late now
To lie their way out. 

But this truth is self-evident
And can never be snuffed out
No matter how evil men rage
And conspire about.

Even in loss
The truth wins
And even among the ashes
Death is defeated. 

The smoke eventually clears
And the dust settles
As the old is washed away
Clean and clear. 

Only then
Can a new world emerge  
From the fog
An emerald isle
Beautiful and haunting. 

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