Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Green 3/18/2015

Here I am
Just like yesterday
Purposeless, useless
Wasted and dumb.

Scrambling down the corridors
And always hitting the wall
In a maze of dead ends
Leading to nowhere.

In the great in between
There is always time to think
As I count backwards
And fall back to sleep.  

For a brief moment
Colors have a taste
And I remember
The cool minty green
Laughing and clinking glasses.   

The best times are brief
And they come and go in a flash
But, yet they still resonate
Decade after decade.   

We were friends
But now we are strangers
Sojourners in a strange land
Unrecognizable and alien.   

We bumped up against each other
And for a time we understood
All the absurdity, and obtuseness
Everyplace and everywhere.  

It takes effort
And it takes time
But in the end
We are all overcome
By the vicissitudes of time. 

The purity of what we were
Diluted with cynicism, doubt,
And constant derision.

But if I had never loved
I would not know
And if I had never lost
I would be dead.     

There must be
A larger reason
That our stars crossed at all
Each one spinning against each other
And collapsing upon themselves. 

If we had not crawled out
Then we could still pretend
But what good is pretending
If we never know at all.    

In my mind
I live in a graphic novel
And together it was like a movie
But without being captured
It only exists, in the endless narrative
Streaming in my head. 

No one cares
That we torture ourselves
Because torture without growth
Is only pain
And degradation. 

We still have
All that matters
And I pray I take it with me
Like smoke curling in the air
And snowflakes on your tongue. 

All of you are me
And I am also you  
Perfectly planned
And poorly executed. 

We will get our second chance
In the second life
The kind we cannot lose
No matter how hard we try.    

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