Monday, March 2, 2015

Looking Daggers

Looking Daggers   3/2/2015

Like a mosquito
Staring at our neck
The takers latch on
For their food and drink.  

Senseless and blind
We forget where we are
Shooting out of the box
And into the black. 

Unafraid and unassuming
We are fodder for the flame
Ravaged, consumed, and discarded
Dumb till the end. 

We nodded our heads and listened
Because, it was rude to rock the boat
And obnoxious to resist
The acceptable consensus
Popular and dumb. 

The fair weather rebels
Only attack the vulnerable
The same old familiar targets
Safe and docile.

But where are they now?
And where is their courage?
Now that the consequences grow
And the punishment certain. 

The punching bag is bloody
And staggering around the ring
But he is more than what you see
And stronger than you think. 

He may go off script
Turn around and strike
First, last and always
Courageous and deadly. 

Backed into a corner
The best always comes out
Especially for the humble
And the good.   

There is no doubt
And there are no accidents
As the demons are unleashed
To rape, torture, and kill. 

While we fight over nothing
And punch at the shadows
The real evil laughs
And kills more and more.  

Beware the hidden motives
Like a dagger in the heart
Staring straight through us
As expendable bags of flesh. 

Cutting us down
And cutting us up
To take what others built 
And call it their own. 

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