Monday, March 16, 2015

Emotion Detector

Emotion Detector            3/16/2015

Think, remember
Prioritize and plan
Well in advance
To find what you must.   

Weighed, measured,
Tracked and manipulated
Our feelings and actions
Predicted en mass.     

Algorithms, and spiders
Work above our heads
Crawling everywhere  
To sniff us out.   

They come to attack  
And inject us with poison
Paralyzed, Liquefied
And eaten through a straw.

We are empty husks
Dried out, and dead
Used up, from the inside out
Useless and dumb. 

But knowing, is everything
From our fingertips to our mind
As DNA completes the circuit
And turns it, in our hand.    

Tiny sparks float around
But only God can add them up
No matter how much we measure
Or how hard we try. 

In a fraction of a second
All the decisions are made
By a calculating beast
Unguided and unmanned.  

It’s one minute till midnight
And do we even understand?
How we are played against each other
All the way, till the end. 

Breathe it in
And let it out
Dripping away
Into something else.  

If they find me
Then they find you
Grasping at, us all
That they do not understand. 

 But when the clock runs out
They still will fail 
Dead on their feet
And frozen in place.  

So let them come 
And fly like moths
Swarming on a light bulb
Slaves to their instincts
Vacuous and dead. 

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