Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Idea        3/24/2015    

Intelligence is more than memory
Or pattern recognition
And that will never constitute consciousness
Nothing but processing
Over and over again. 

How do you measure love?
And how can you quantify
The drive to survive
And create?

Efficiency, morals
Distance, and speed
A few of the many things
We consider,
And judge every day. 

The soul is more
Than what we could guess
And the spirit burns bright enough
For the whole world to see.  

I make no apologies
And I am not ashamed
Not here, not now
And not ever. 

The doomed will rant
And gnash their teeth
But a fool can never change the truth
As obvious as can be.  

The truth matters more
And it is bigger than a tirade
The only way to a peace
And greater than any,
Momentary pain. 

What is this, that we worry?
Nothing but a state of mind
Because the loss of truth
Is far worse than anything
They could ever steal.

You can see it now
The utter foolishness of men
Cavorting like scavengers
And snapping at each other
Over nothing at all.  

No, let us have the truth
Even when it hurts
Because that is the only thing
That matters
And the only thing
That lasts. 

In the end
There is love
Beautiful love
Like sprinkles of cool water
On a hot summer day. 

Thrilling, and mystifying
The essential spark
From which, we are made.   

No matter how much we give
There is always more to share
And no matter how much we lose
There will always be enough.  

Monday, March 23, 2015

Seven Secrets

Seven Secrets          3/23/2015

Press your lips against the glass
And mouth the words of alienation
Because we are all strangers
Blowing smoke at a mirror.

If the truth hurts
Then somebody will ban it
Infantile, stunted,
Dumb, and dead. 

If you lick a razor
Then you will bleed
Stung down the middle
The mind over metal
Coppery and burnt.

I am like a fool
On the cover
A one dimensional illustration
Of vintage fiction. 

Used and discarded
At the café nior
While a car speeds away
And busts through the gate.

Nothing can be saved
If we don’t figure it out
And there is no mystery
Without greed and lust. 

We will never be free
Until we can take the abuse
Unyielding, principled,
And fearless. 

What happened
And what we think,
We do.

Act it out
And don’t look back
Because there is nothing
Worse than regret
Cutting us in two. 

I see her now
Through half closed eyes
Cold, cruel
And damaged.

But I lived through that
And there is now way out
But up,
And more than enough
To walk away. 


Nadir   3/23/2015

The top tipped over
And no one even noticed
A the water crested
And now subsides.  

Something’s are hard to measure
But that doesn’t change a thing
As eventually every hibernation ends
And we wake up. 

You can’t be a victim
If you choose not to be
And there is no victory in silence
Or fear.

Sometimes the greatest of actions
Start with simple words
And there is nothing more powerful
Than enough
Goodbye and No.  

It hurts to swallow your emotions
And let them boil inside
Harder to digest than broken glass
Churning in your guts
Like an acid bath. 

It always comes back up
And explodes everywhere
The wasted anger
Of passive aggression. 

But to resist calmly
Without malice
Enables the truth to be spoken
With strength and integrity. 

Let it bubble up
And become who you are
Unyielding like iron
From the inside out. 

Friday, March 20, 2015


Geiger    3/20/2015

If the plugs are pulled
The ship will sink
Either faster of slower
Depending on location
Weight and size. 

We are riddled with holes
And many we have made ourselves
With our emotions tied in knots
Double minded and dumb.

We let fear steal our peace
And fight like savages over nothing
Missing the point
And denying reality
Every day and everywhere. 

Yesterday and today it happened
But nobody says a word
As we quietly shuffle forward
On our way to the end. 

Gingerly we take baby steps
And sigh in relief
That we still live
Walking in a minefield
Strewn with the dead.

But if we are to die
Then why should we fear?
Wasting our time
And wasting our life. 

We hide for no reason
When we should be bold
Standing in the shadows
Of the ruthless and the belligerent.

Throw back the curtains
And let in the light
Shinning forth
From inside our souls. 

Let the spark burn
And soon there will be others
Penetrating every corner
And under every rock. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Green 3/18/2015

Here I am
Just like yesterday
Purposeless, useless
Wasted and dumb.

Scrambling down the corridors
And always hitting the wall
In a maze of dead ends
Leading to nowhere.

In the great in between
There is always time to think
As I count backwards
And fall back to sleep.  

For a brief moment
Colors have a taste
And I remember
The cool minty green
Laughing and clinking glasses.   

The best times are brief
And they come and go in a flash
But, yet they still resonate
Decade after decade.   

We were friends
But now we are strangers
Sojourners in a strange land
Unrecognizable and alien.   

We bumped up against each other
And for a time we understood
All the absurdity, and obtuseness
Everyplace and everywhere.  

It takes effort
And it takes time
But in the end
We are all overcome
By the vicissitudes of time. 

The purity of what we were
Diluted with cynicism, doubt,
And constant derision.

But if I had never loved
I would not know
And if I had never lost
I would be dead.     

There must be
A larger reason
That our stars crossed at all
Each one spinning against each other
And collapsing upon themselves. 

If we had not crawled out
Then we could still pretend
But what good is pretending
If we never know at all.    

In my mind
I live in a graphic novel
And together it was like a movie
But without being captured
It only exists, in the endless narrative
Streaming in my head. 

No one cares
That we torture ourselves
Because torture without growth
Is only pain
And degradation. 

We still have
All that matters
And I pray I take it with me
Like smoke curling in the air
And snowflakes on your tongue. 

All of you are me
And I am also you  
Perfectly planned
And poorly executed. 

We will get our second chance
In the second life
The kind we cannot lose
No matter how hard we try.