Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Vacuous  2/5/2014

Leave it out in the rain
And let it age and crack
Because nothing lasts forever
And that is still a good thing
And better than it sounds.

There is a beauty
In the forgotten
And the neglected
But only for those who see
And understand. 

Peeled paint
And muted colors
Chipped, tarnished and dull
Reflect the perfection
Of imperfection
And the handiwork of God.

Random events
And splatters of paint
Only add romance
To the patinas of time.

Let others collect their titles
And cover themselves
With silicone
Smoothing out every dimple
Plastic, empty, and soulless. 

Many are those
Who would cut your throat
Just to get
A few dollars more
Indifferent and cruel.

And many are those
Who would drag around your body
Dancing and laughing with glee
Filming your husk
Naked, pale, and dead.

Mocking all that is good
And trashing all that matters
As they trip over their feet
And fall into a tomb.

The jump through the hoops
And sell out their children
Just to please others
Wasted, worthless, useless.
Evil, corrupt, and decayed.

This is their creation 
And we should let them have it
Riding it all the way up
And all the way down. 

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