Friday, February 14, 2014


Deadstone 2/14/2014

Let me bleed 
But let me live
Without having to explain
What everyone should know.

It doesn’t make me special
That I am wounded
And I am lost
Because I am not the first
And I am not the last.

Others have given more
And walk among the dead
Starved, tortured, and murdered
Long before, I was born.

So they can set me apart
And call me what they want
A one dimensional paper person
That they never knew at all.

They can call me
An addict and a user
A drunk and a fool
But who am I to argue?
With the blind and the deluded.

They have never questioned
And never ventured outside themselves
Long enough to contemplate
All the evil
That they do. 

They have never experienced
A long dark night of the soul
As they plot and fight over the scraps
Dangled in front of their face.

Incapable of understanding
Why some don’t lunge for the carrot
So they judge and disparage
As unmotivated and dumb.

Lies are nothing
If it gets them what they want
And promises can always be broken
Whenever an advantage is found.

But this life is mine
And this life is yours
To live, love and savor
Every detail, nuance,
And flavor.

Give me the truth
And give me freedom
With liberty enough 
To imagine, create, and enjoy.

It might come easy
Or it might come hard
But either way
Without risk
It is not living at all. 

If you live
You will make mistakes
But its better to fail
Than it is to be protected,
Stunted, and wasted.
And empty. 

Once you have lived
There is little left to fear
As the shadows recede
And the monsters

Let others cower
At let them run
Afraid of the risk
And afraid of the truth.

Reality is better
Even if it hurts
Because what hope
Do can anyone have
If we live in a bubble 
And worship a lie.  

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