Friday, February 7, 2014

Nothing to prove

Don't Ask   2/7/2014

Don’t ask me, if it hurts
Because it’s worse
Than you can imagine
And don’t ask me, about addiction
Because it’s a black plague
Killing us all.

Don’t ask me about lost loves
Because I still have the dreams
As I fall backwards into the past
And can never escape.

It hurts
And so does this normalcy
Because all of this is wasted
Worthless, rotten, and dead
As I go through the motions
And pretend that I care.

Find me a place
Where I can just be
Without having to explain myself
Or defend the obvious.

A world where we can love
And breathe
In an atmosphere
That can support life
And tolerate truth. 

Where we understand
And can communicate with a smile
Loving all
And knowing all.

Shout it loud
For everyone to hear
That here we live
And that there is so much more.

What is good, without God?
And what is humanity?
Without sacrifice and selflessness
Nothing but tadpoles
Swimming in the dark.

We long for more
Because deep down
We remember
What it was, we had
And what it was, we lost.

Deep within, our collective souls
We almost remember
Who we really are
And from where
We have come.

On the tip of our tongues
Just beyond our fingertips
The truth springs upwards
In an ancient promise.

But it’s never too late
Until it is
And he who turns now
Shall see all
And shine like the sun. 

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