Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Painless 2/4/2014

Don’t be surprised
When it gets worse
But only remember
Who was right all along

We can ridicule
And we can judge
But right is right
And wrong is wrong. 

You can change the rules
And change the dates
Any which way you want
But in the end
We are
How we act.

Artificially evaluated
And artificially ranked
To engineer an outcome
Someone wants to see. 

So that is how it is
And that is how it feels
The journey uphill
And against the grain. 

We survive
By the smallest of margins
All to try it over again
And the day after that.

Is it any surprise
That man seeks relief?
And that many have died
Chasing oblivion.

Who can blame their craving
Once they have tasted bliss
Weightless and free of pain
Warm, numb, and euphoric.

But God wants us to grow
And have a different kind of peace
The kind that passes all understanding
Even when we suffer
And sweat through our shirt.

For some reason
God picked me up
And plucked me out
Just before the abyss
Deep dark and black.

Pray for the lost
That they may be saved
Picked up at the last second
To leave and breathe again.

Pray for the lost spirits
Flying this way and that
Afraid to leave
And ask for release.

That their suffering and anguish
Can yet be healed
Out of place
And out of time.

There are bigger things
Than what we see
And there are larger truths
That we have ignored.

It is hard to judge
What we have never lived
So we shake our head
And keep on going
Forging through the mud.

This is my life also
And I have made up my mind
Neither to beg
Or be ashamed
Of what it is
I ask.

I strain upward
Underneath a wounded bird
Held aloft by something greater
And everlasting.

Let the beasts rage
And beat on my door
Because I know how it ends
In the blink of an eye.

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