Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thin Ice

Thin Ice 2/6/2014

Sometimes we lose our bearings
And veer off the track
Spinning our wheels in a ditch
Unable to escape.

And sometimes we weep
And bury our heads in our hands
Lamenting all, we have missed
And all, we have lost. 

I leaned on others
More than I should have
And when they were gone
I could barely stand at all.

There are days
When the words don’t come
And I sit here motionless
Staring at nothing.   

There is so much loss
And so much suffering
Most of it wasted
And unnecessary.

We keep taking the opiate
And we keep running away
Preferring lies to truth
And darkness to light.

We shrink back from love
And hold back our help
Afraid of taking chances
And being a fool. 

But no matter what we do
We lose anyway
And no matter how numb
We wake up sober. 

Thinking our way into circles
Until we feel hopeless and desperate
Unable to face the day
Awake and exposed.

Wasting our time
Trying to recreate
Those beautiful feelings of perfection
That can only come by grace.

None of us
Are immune
Not from this
And not from them.

Look at them
Dead in their beds
Just like us
Running away
From uneasy emotions. 

Inertia drags us down
And the weight of the world
Crushes our spirit
As we slug it out
For nothing at all. 

If only we could know
How loved we are
Then we would speak
And they would hear. 

Right now
They suffer
And right now
They dream
Of something better
That cannot be found.

You can lean on others
Or you can anesthetize your brain
But nothing can change reality
Its unexpected pleasures
Or wincing pain. 

If only we made the effort
And if only, we took the risks
All that was lost
Would remain
Here and now.

I give you my love
Because it is, what I have
Nothing more than this moment
One among, the countless probabilities
That we were born at all. 

Think on this
And think on that
Reaching for what is higher
And better.

There is no perfect time
And there is no perfect feeling
But only the human heart
Limitless and deep. 

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