Thursday, February 27, 2014




The cycle speeds up
And the cycle slows down
But nothing has changed
And it’s not changing now.

The kingdom will fall
But not the one, they think
Because this is what you get
With hatred and pride.

It’s not about me
And it’s not about them
Nameless, faceless and stupid
Cursed, ugly, and dead.

Unable to see
And unwilling to grow
Some lash out at others
Because they cannot
Understand themselves.

When I see them
I smile
Because I can see
And they are blind. 

Their anger is like a poison
And their hatred like an acid
Burning them
From the inside out. 

They attack
And they kill
But it is they who will die
And they who will burn. 

Blood matters
More than we know
Surging through my heart
And coursing through my veins.

Inside I have a secret
One they do not know
And even if
I am savaged  
I was loved all along.

Even good deeds
Can be done with evil intentions
But even all the power in the world
Will never change
What God has done. 

The more that the rules are slanted
The worse it will become
With an outcome exactly the opposite
Of what they wanted
All along.

Just as the river flows downwards
So also do we
Going where,  we are programmed
Inside of our brains.

These words
Are not written for prizes
And I do not expect
To be lauded or praised
But the truth remains a treasure
More valuable than gold.

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