Monday, February 24, 2014


Cut  2/24/2014

Knock me around
And push me on the floor
Because it doesn't make a difference
Happy or sad
Rich or poor.

Drag me across the rocks
And cut me if you want
Deep, jagged, and ugly
Dumb, dead, and gone.

Anything to wake me up
Because I want to see the end
When all of this is washed away
And never comes back again.

My shoes clopped on the street.
Under the trees,
Ancient and gnarled
As we walk in the velvety darkness
The kind I know so well. 

There is a stillness about the south
A heavy, thick blanket
Of sultry silence
Muffling my voice
And hanging in the air.

You cannot see it
But the feeling is there
A propensity for intrigue
And sudden violence.

Centuries of wear
Has soften the edges
And pitted the finish
Until everything is worn
And beautiful. 

Scream until your voice is strangled
And pour out your guts
Until you cry
Falling down into the river
Green and eternal. 

I can see the girls walk by
But I do not, turn to watch
For what is a ghost good for?
Except for fear and regret. 

Time heals all wounds
But here it lasts forever
Pulling me backwards
Into the grave.

Picture me through a grate
Of black scrolling iron
As a blurry apparition
Or photographic artifact
Out of place and dead.

So long Savannah
I knew leaving would hurt
But if I had never known
I would have been born dead
And never have grown.
Losing is winning
And winning is death
Because now I see
What others cannot.

I have made many friends
But my hands are always empty
And my heart is filled with longing
For all the dreams
I have never lived.

My spirit remains
Unable to let go
Always rushing backwards
And gushing tears.

I do love this place
Even though it kills me
Because without it
I would have never felt
Sweet tenderness
Or staggering loss. 

I loved them all
Even those who stung me
And left me for dead
Because how can anyone know light?
Without the dark. 

Remember me
Because I am not sad
Rising higher and higher
Each and every time. 

All that we revere
May lie in ruins
And all that we held sacred
May be abased.

But I swoop down
And see it all
Yours and mine forever
Even better than before. 

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