Friday, February 28, 2014


Scavenger  2/28/2014

Objects I cannot see
Hurtle through space
And collide with each other
Shattering in all directions
In and out of time. 

The city of the dead
Gives up their ghosts
One by one
Rising in the night.

Curving, looping and diving
They return with a rush
Faster and faster over the trees
That shiver in the dirt. 

Time passes over
But the spirit remains
Impenetrable and perfect
Ageless and remote.

There is no reason to cry
And grief has no purpose
Because God restores all
Just as it always was.

If we have forever
What is the rush?
And why should we suffer
This horrible longing.

I was born impatient
And even though I know
I still get anxious
And filled with dread.

We fear the unknown
And cling to the familiar
Even if it hurts
And bleeds us dry. 

Our hearts are hardened
And our will is broken
Until we go meekly to bed
And sleep our life away.

Giving in to the irresistible force
That assaults us every day
With endless demands
And the same old lies. 

Entropy pulls us down
And wears down our resolve
As we listen to the same old song
We have heard
A million times before.

But that is man
And that is life
As we build up our sense of self
On nothing at all. 

Constructing a whole philosophy
And assumptions
That even a child
Can see is false. 

If everything is true
Then all of it is false
And if all of it is false
What good are we at all?

Let them all fight
And let them all die
Biting and snarling
Over pride and falsehood
And drowning in blood
Over nothing at all. 

In the end
Everything disappears
Except who we are
And what we do.

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