Monday, February 10, 2014

Polar Vortex

White Out  2/10/2014

Stuck out, like a sore thumb
We stand apart
Neither above, nor below
Aberrant personalities
In a world gone insane. 

The first of the last
And the last of the first
I am the odd man out
And guaranteed to offend.

But this is nothing new
And it is, as old as it gets
The same old problems
Others suffered before.

Even ants can take down the mighty
If enough of them swarm
Inflicting death in ten thousand bites
On the foolish and the dull.

A wise man pays attention
But a fool will seek approval
Gladly licking the hand that kills him
Defenseless and dead. 

You can bow down
But it will not,
Another minute buy
Because nothing can save the hated
From genocide and extinction. 

God alone watches
And God alone knows
Just how far
To let it run
And just how much
We can endure. 

Food and water
Will never be enough
And useless entertainment
Can never feed the soul. 

The wise must build
And their minds must create
Free to imagine all possibilities
Unfettered and uncensored.

Money comes and goes
And all I need
I have and more
Even when I am down
And even when,
I am lost. 

If they want to drive the wrong way
Then I say
Just let them
Speeding up the exit ramp
On their way to the end.

I’ll walk alone
If that’s what it means
Because this is my life
Even if it hurts.

This is not a time to worry
And this is not a time to fret
But rather a time for action
In a million small degrees. 

Let it all fester
And let it all rot
Because this is what happens
The stupid way around. 

Let the buildings crumble
Because no one cares
And let the streets become deserted
Because the good stay away.

Empty is the future
And transparent are the lies
Like candy from a car
Forbidden, strange, and deadly. 

Either way, we will survive
As long as we can
Waiting for what is coming
Be it, what it may. 

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