Friday, February 28, 2014


Scavenger  2/28/2014

Objects I cannot see
Hurtle through space
And collide with each other
Shattering in all directions
In and out of time. 

The city of the dead
Gives up their ghosts
One by one
Rising in the night.

Curving, looping and diving
They return with a rush
Faster and faster over the trees
That shiver in the dirt. 

Time passes over
But the spirit remains
Impenetrable and perfect
Ageless and remote.

There is no reason to cry
And grief has no purpose
Because God restores all
Just as it always was.

If we have forever
What is the rush?
And why should we suffer
This horrible longing.

I was born impatient
And even though I know
I still get anxious
And filled with dread.

We fear the unknown
And cling to the familiar
Even if it hurts
And bleeds us dry. 

Our hearts are hardened
And our will is broken
Until we go meekly to bed
And sleep our life away.

Giving in to the irresistible force
That assaults us every day
With endless demands
And the same old lies. 

Entropy pulls us down
And wears down our resolve
As we listen to the same old song
We have heard
A million times before.

But that is man
And that is life
As we build up our sense of self
On nothing at all. 

Constructing a whole philosophy
And assumptions
That even a child
Can see is false. 

If everything is true
Then all of it is false
And if all of it is false
What good are we at all?

Let them all fight
And let them all die
Biting and snarling
Over pride and falsehood
And drowning in blood
Over nothing at all. 

In the end
Everything disappears
Except who we are
And what we do.

Thursday, February 27, 2014




The cycle speeds up
And the cycle slows down
But nothing has changed
And it’s not changing now.

The kingdom will fall
But not the one, they think
Because this is what you get
With hatred and pride.

It’s not about me
And it’s not about them
Nameless, faceless and stupid
Cursed, ugly, and dead.

Unable to see
And unwilling to grow
Some lash out at others
Because they cannot
Understand themselves.

When I see them
I smile
Because I can see
And they are blind. 

Their anger is like a poison
And their hatred like an acid
Burning them
From the inside out. 

They attack
And they kill
But it is they who will die
And they who will burn. 

Blood matters
More than we know
Surging through my heart
And coursing through my veins.

Inside I have a secret
One they do not know
And even if
I am savaged  
I was loved all along.

Even good deeds
Can be done with evil intentions
But even all the power in the world
Will never change
What God has done. 

The more that the rules are slanted
The worse it will become
With an outcome exactly the opposite
Of what they wanted
All along.

Just as the river flows downwards
So also do we
Going where,  we are programmed
Inside of our brains.

These words
Are not written for prizes
And I do not expect
To be lauded or praised
But the truth remains a treasure
More valuable than gold.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Sidewalk 2/26/2014

There is no reason to look
If there is nothing you can do
And there is no reason to survive
If there is nothing left to say.

It is easy to say hello
But it’s hard to say goodbye
As we rise up and fall down
Over another bump in the road.

We have come around the corner
But it is still, just the same
Just like it was yesterday
And the day before that. 

There is nothing unique about today
Even if we are different
Because what lurks in our hearts
Has always been there. 

There are always secrets
And there are always riddles
But the puzzle of life

We get closer
And then we fall away
Unable to accept
What was true all along. 

If you can think about thinking
Then you can guess the rest
Because not all things are true
And not all things are good.

We are linked together
Even if we are apart
And I will have
All I have known
And much more than this. 

A fire can burn the body
But it cannot touch the soul
Transduced like information
And recorded somewhere else.

Don’t answer the door
Because it might be a trick
And be careful where you go
Because the beasts are hungry. 

The day you know it
Is the day, you start to learn
As every pore is electrified
And a shiver goes up your spine. 

I have not forgotten
And I have not given up
But instead I ask for something different 
And better than before.  

It may come as a surprise
And it may come as a shock
But not for the humble
And not for the true. 

All things must pass
Yes, even the ugly
And the dumb
But if we only understood
We would still smile. 

No matter what happens
And no matter what is lost
The best will always be yet to come
Even in ten thousand years. 

I see you 
But, there are many things
I just cannot do
Even if, I wanted 
And even if, I dreamed.  

But what I can be
Is only just beginning
As I keep scratching at the surface
And knocking at the door. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


 Prime  2/25/2014

You can believe a lie
But that doesn’t make it true
And only liars
Should ever fear
Freedom or dissent.  

The world teeters on edge
And collapses in flames
Giving way, one after another
As everything falls into place.

Small men
And arrogant fakes
Get what they want
No matter who it hurts
Or what it costs.

Never accountable
And never questioned
They shove it down our throat
Knowing that they are unopposed
And everything is fixed.

They think they are the greatest
And how they love to boast
But all they do
Is hasten the end
Terrible and complete. 

Throwing their weight around
With made up titles
Never earned
And never just.

Unnecessary, empty
Wasteful and proud
They belittle everyone else
Every chance they get.

While others labor in darkness
And afraid to rock the boat
Unrecognized, mocked
Degraded and dumb.

Blood is everywhere
And no one bats an eye
Willfully asleep
And shockingly dumb.

The truth is dying
For lack of air
Choked off by liars
And sinking to the floor. 

Unable to rise
And unable to speak
The good lie motionless
Crumpled on the ground.

The red light is flashing
And all the lines are crossed
As the secrets spill out
And the dead gasp for air. 

There is nowhere to hide
As all good deeds are punished
Because everything we love
Is evil in their eyes. 

Even the most gentle soul
Should rise and defend their own
Especially the young and defenseless
Entrusted to our care.

But we have sold them out
And their future is bleak
Outnumbered, defenseless
Encircled and attacked. 

The truth was always here
And facts were never hidden
Right in front of our face
Every single day. 

Do not flinch
And do not give in
But relentlessly pursue
What is good
And what is true. 

There is no better time
Than now
To be at the bottom
And there is no better feeling
Than unjust wounding. 

Because every time it has happened
I have grown larger
And every time I am forgotten
I get stronger. 

Some may smirk
At the wounds
And some may kick
At the dying.

But bigger things are coming
For sure and for certain
Coming quick
And coming soon. 

Monday, February 24, 2014


Cut  2/24/2014

Knock me around
And push me on the floor
Because it doesn't make a difference
Happy or sad
Rich or poor.

Drag me across the rocks
And cut me if you want
Deep, jagged, and ugly
Dumb, dead, and gone.

Anything to wake me up
Because I want to see the end
When all of this is washed away
And never comes back again.

My shoes clopped on the street.
Under the trees,
Ancient and gnarled
As we walk in the velvety darkness
The kind I know so well. 

There is a stillness about the south
A heavy, thick blanket
Of sultry silence
Muffling my voice
And hanging in the air.

You cannot see it
But the feeling is there
A propensity for intrigue
And sudden violence.

Centuries of wear
Has soften the edges
And pitted the finish
Until everything is worn
And beautiful. 

Scream until your voice is strangled
And pour out your guts
Until you cry
Falling down into the river
Green and eternal. 

I can see the girls walk by
But I do not, turn to watch
For what is a ghost good for?
Except for fear and regret. 

Time heals all wounds
But here it lasts forever
Pulling me backwards
Into the grave.

Picture me through a grate
Of black scrolling iron
As a blurry apparition
Or photographic artifact
Out of place and dead.

So long Savannah
I knew leaving would hurt
But if I had never known
I would have been born dead
And never have grown.
Losing is winning
And winning is death
Because now I see
What others cannot.

I have made many friends
But my hands are always empty
And my heart is filled with longing
For all the dreams
I have never lived.

My spirit remains
Unable to let go
Always rushing backwards
And gushing tears.

I do love this place
Even though it kills me
Because without it
I would have never felt
Sweet tenderness
Or staggering loss. 

I loved them all
Even those who stung me
And left me for dead
Because how can anyone know light?
Without the dark. 

Remember me
Because I am not sad
Rising higher and higher
Each and every time. 

All that we revere
May lie in ruins
And all that we held sacred
May be abased.

But I swoop down
And see it all
Yours and mine forever
Even better than before.