Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Evergreen  12/31/2013

A canary just fell over
And lies dead underground
Just another missing piece
That we would rather ignore.

Life is fleeting
And it runs like water
Through our fingers
All because we don’t understand.

Wasting our time
All tied up in knots
And always seeking answers
That we should already know.

Bombed out, blackened,
And twisted
The remains of civilization
Bloody and dead. 

This is the fruit
Of double minded hypocrisy
As we stumble over ourselves
And slouch into the grave.

A new day or a new year
Shall come
But man remains the same
And watches from afar.

Detach from what is dead
And forget what is lost
But build anew
Where it matters
All over again.

In times of great loss
There always remains a chance
But only if you take it
And only if you know.  

Monday, December 30, 2013


Sinkhole   12/30/2013

I dropped my head
Into the sink
And spit the water out
Blood and water
Acid and bile.

This is the world
And this is how it tastes
Leaving us with nothing
But blood and terror. 

The sun has flipped over
And the cycle has run its course
But only the wise understand
The ripening of time.

We all hang low on the tree
Overly ripe and heavy
All because we hide our faces
And look the other way. 

There is more than enough proof
To see where we are headed
But never do we learn
And never do we speak. 

Every day there is more
And we wonder and we stare
Grown accustomed to hatred
And institutionalized tyranny. 

Others have seen the beast
And others have been crushed
While many stood bye
Quiet, deaf, and dumb.

The last time
Is not this time
But even though the faces change
Death remains just as savage
And more mechanical than ever.

We circle the drain
With arms and legs
More than able to climb out
And escape. 

But who has the courage
To live by their word
Facing down iniquity
Without fear or apology. 

Yes there is a war
But not the one you hear about
Insidious and methodical
And waged against ourselves.

You can either go down
Or you can stand up
Just like yesterday,
Today, and tomorrow.

I raise my head
And I trudge off to work
More myself than ever
Imperfect, but true.

If you wait for the perfect time
Then it will never come
Because it’s always better to fail
Than it is to wait.

Love itself calls us
To care about tomorrow
Even if we are gone
The seeds spread outwards.

Our circles spread out
And reach far
Either for good
Or for evil.

If not for us
Then it is for them
That we are ready
To rise and protect
Again and again and again.

Friday, December 27, 2013


Reversal 12/27/2013

Disembodied spirits
Tickle at our brains
As we fall asleep at the wheel
And circle down the drain.

Half awake and half aware
We stumble into life,
In both love and circumstance
Accidental and dumb.

The stone is set
And the concrete hardens
As we wear a ditch
In the same old circle.

There is little I could say
Much less, that I could write
That would change
The inevitable circumstances
All around you and me.

But perhaps 
Escape is not the answer
That we should seek
And deliverance not the solution
That we need.

Pushing through and pushing on
May be the hardest thing
But more often than not
It is the best thing. 

I have tried it both ways
And I know what it feels like
To win and to lose
Losing more often than not
And drowning in despair. 

It took the longest time
For me to understand
That happiness is right in front of us
Every minute and every day. 

Hidden in plain sight
In a child’s smile
Or in an oil painting
Found even in the smallest of blessings
Each and every day.  

Even the most modest decency
And unexpected camaraderie
Should be greeted with joy
Because a wise man should never expect
His kindness to be returned.

Friendship is a treasure
And friendships that endure
Are a blessing
More valuable than gold. 

The world is upside down
And a trail of bodies
And broken dreams
Litter the streets
Because of hatred, jealousy,
Foolishness, and greed.

Men eternally 
Trade darkness for light
And succumb to double minded doubt
Even when they have seen miracles
Time and time again.

If you have found the words
Then you remain my friend
Know that you are in my thoughts
And you are in my prayers.

No matter what happens
And no matter what 
The future brings
We can be rich in love
And blessings.

In any and all circumstances
There remains a greater blessing
Good people shall always find it
If they know who trust
And who to believe. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

MIidst of Winter

Midst of Winter  12/26/2013

It was cold
And skies were gray
With streaks of tarnished silver
And smudged charcoal.

The darker it became
The colder it got
So we went inside
Because our hands
Ached and tingled.

But inside the lights sparkled
And the flames burned bright
Melting every shred of doubt
About who we are
And what we love.

Christmas came 
Like so many times before
And we awoke to the enchantment 
Undiluted with time.

As the hours went by
The house became a wreck
And the kids were cranky
After hours of playing,
Sugar, and laughter.

I picked up the boxes
And all the ripped paper
Filling up bags with the detritus
That covered the floor. 

There is no other place
That I would rather be
Than here among friends and family
In the midst of winter.

Truth has not lost its luster
And real love will never die
No matter what was had
Or what was lost. 

They are all with me now
Even those who are gone
Now more than ever
Alive in my heart. 

We are bound forever
And nothing can change it now
Bonded by a sacred knighthood
Unknown to man. 

We shall yet taste
The finest wine
And the greatest of feasts
Will always be, yet to come. 

The troubles of the present
Are nothing compared with eternity
Passing over our heads
Like ghosts in the shadows. 

Remember and rejoice
In any and everything
For every disappointment
Will be turned
And every defeat,

The world shall yet again
Be renewed
Yes, reborn
Even from sin
And even from death. 

Love and pray for them all
All of those who live in your heart
Now more than ever
Diligently and reverently.

Love, generosity,
Companionship and joy
No matter the circumstance
This shall ever separate the good
And save many
Even yet, unborn.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Hang On  12/24/2013

Today was colder
But tomorrow
Nobody knows
Because with every ending
Comes a new beginning
Cold, crisp, and clear.

Death comes
Uninvited and unwanted
In the middle of the day
Or in the middle of the night.

The price of living
And the price of knowing
As we carry the burden
Deep in our DNA.

A message within a message
And code hidden
Within a code
Both an inheritance
And a destiny.

The stars align
In the heavens
Like a map inside out
Divided up into chambers
We cannot see, touch, or smell.

Love is a choice
Both risky and dangerous
But faith is the answer
For every doubt
Or injury.

Once we were babies
And we played with angels
But we learn by falling down
And knowing what went wrong.

Now the scales have fallen
And the truth is at hand
Hidden for the longest time
Right in front of our eyes.

Even though your heart is breaking
And smile
Even though you have lost.

Nothing can stop love
And nothing can turn back the light
Piercing through the darkness
High above our heads.    

He will come unexpectedly
Just like he said he would
The savior of man
Righteous and just. 

Hang on to that
And write it, in your heart
That we are not alone
And he is coming soon.