Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Hatching

The Hatching 9/25/2012

Born in secret
And hidden in the shadows
Taught in hatred
Far away
From you and I.

Planted, groomed
Watered, and fed
To supplant and destroy
From the inside out.

Who is to blame
When the truth is hidden?
And who is to account
When the truth comes out?

Some are silent
And some are threatened
Anything to hide
The secrets and motives.

The light of truth
Struggles to penetrate
When men are held
To different sets of rules.

A fraud and a liar
Will lie just enough
To get what he wants
And do what he must.

Bought and paid for
With hatred and contempt
With no history to judge
And no truth to criticize.

A pill for the foolish
And a placebo for the ignorant
With an empty heart
And an empty soul.

Nothing is more blind
Than the followers of hatred
Smiling as they march
On their way to the end.

But their envy and resentment
Cannot a great man make
And all the praise in the world
Can’t change the truth
Or summon a soul.

Shallow as the skim on a pond
The loyalty of appearance
And the folly of blame
Because in the end it’s up to us
To rise or fall.

The good have been set up
And sacrificed for nothing
As evil men plot in secret
To steal what is left.

Many will curse
And many will shout
At the betrayal of many
For profit and power.

Bought and sold for nothing
And led around by the nose
Told what to say
And told what to think.

Whom you can insult
And whom you can harm
As long as the beasts are fed
And blood is spilled.

But blessed is he
Who connects the dots
Knowing a man from his benefactors
And his heart from his hate.

Their plans shall come up short
And collapse in an hour
As the last bastion responds
From places unknown.

Destroying all
And laying them to waste
In one iron bolt of lightning
And a gigantic rod of death.

Look into the molten sea
And see the things to come
As pictures emerge from the shadows
Showing us the horde.

We have our hands
And we have our hearts
Now is the time to decide
For whom do we live.
And to whom do we serve.

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