Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bored to Death

Bored to Death 9/18/2012

It is a rain day in the city
And a cold gray drizzle
Has darkened the day
Leaving the streets black and shiny
Wet and slick.

I plow on
And plug through a letter
Sending out e-mails
And read the news.

Nothing is new
And nothing is a surprise
Because everything that happens
Has been a long time coming.

My words are few today
Because all my friends are far away
Some of them living
And some of them dead.

So I set back and think
And wallow in my depression
Drinking coffee cup after cup
Trying to warm up my blood.

If you are open to hear it
Then I will give you my best
The unvarnished truth
As I have seen it
And as I have lived it.

But it’s not easy
And it’s not without risk
Because statism is king
And to resist it
Means ostracism and mockery.

You can hear the reaction
Before you even say it
As if it comes in a can
The same old hash
We have all had before.

Reflexively spewed
By the self proclaimed intelligent
So smart they are stupid
And so foolish they are dead.

They must hate something
Because they sure hate themselves
Condemning the future
With each safe assumption.

They love to cast aspersions
And they love to mock the good
Excusing all sorts of murder
Without blinking an eye.

A suicidal tendency
Must run in their veins
Because they seem to prefer madness
As long as it is easy
With someone else to blame.

Giving up their freedom
And giving up their past
Losing everything that matters
Their future, their faith and their name.

What a wonder to behold
The undeniable shallowness of man
Obsessed with the surface
And neglectful of the soul.

They can make up a story
But they will never hide the truth
At least not forever
Blessed but dumb
Self absorbed and dead.

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