Monday, September 24, 2012


Channeling 9/24/2012

It took a long time to know
That I do not matter
That I am at best
Just a sack of dust.

Of no great importance
And of no great position
Nothing but an average slug
Trying to make it home.

But If only I had known this sooner
I would be far greater
A lot less wounded
And a lot more healed.

Caring more about others
Than I did about myself
I would have been more loving
And a lot less selfish.

Giving without expecting
Brings peace to the heart
Feeding the soul
And growing the soul.

But for some reason
I was not ready
Not before I had learned
And not before I had suffered.

Words are cheap
And even sacrifice
Can be a joke
When it’s all done
To gets something back
That we never earned.

Because even these words
Are not about me
And I am just a channel
Transferring thoughts.

An impulse courses through me
Like a spark down a line
Burning a trail of powder
On its way to the end.

Carving out the words
As they come to mind
And praying to know the difference
Between what I think
And what is best.

The truth is hard
But running away
Never works for long
And lying it just like killing yourself
In a million small ways.

I am given myself away
And I have never felt better
Because nothing is more important
Than truth.

The doors to the past
Have closed and cannot open
But I can still choose
Where it is
That I go.

My name does not matter
And my love for others
Is undiminished by distance
No matter when or where
I shall see them all again.

I don’t have to own
And I don’t need to possess
Not be the man
That I know
I should be.

In ten thousand years
You shall know who I am
And then I will be the person
That I am training to be.

Then all this will make sense
And then we will understand
With just enough time
And forever more

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